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Welcome to our website. St Mary’s, Kilburn and St James’, West Hampstead are Inclusive congregations and we are committed to living our faith in the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ. Our worship is in the liberal Catholic tradition; with St James’ being ‘higher’ than St Mary’s and in both Churches we aim to provide accessible and enjoyable worship with good quality liturgy and music. We have a strong commitment to the service of our local communities as an expression of our faith.

Jesus treated all people with the dignity that they have as human beings made in the very image of God and we believe we are called as a Christian community to follow the example of Jesus by embodying this love for all people. You are assured of a warm welcome irrespective of age, gender, race, sexual orientation or physical ability. Our motto is ‘Celebrating God’s Love for All.’ Both St Mary’s and St James’ are members of Inclusive Church and Onebodyonefaith. For further information on these organisations please visit their website via our links page.

Our ceilidhs are great fun. Join us for our St Patricks ceilidh at St James’ 7 - 11 pm on 14 March. Tickets sell out fast so book early