Sunday School
We are wonderfully blessed at St Mary’s and St James’ to be communities in which children and younger people are enthusiastically welcomed, feel very much part of our worshipping life and are seen by all of us to be fellow disciples on our journeys to follow Christ, and to love God and our neighbour as Christ does.
We start Sunday School at 9.45 in the Church Hall or narthex at St Mary’s, and start with worship and teaching about the Bible reading of the day. We continue with arts and crafts, and then re-join everyone in church in time for the Eucharist at about 10.30.
We are always delighted to welcome new children. If you would like to register your child/children please complete the attached form and hand it to Sarah or one of the wardens. We look forward to seeing you!
Messy Church
Messy Church is a worshipping community that meets one Tuesday a month after school at St James’ Church. Children are invited to participate in art, craft and other fun activities after which we share in worship together. After the activities a free hot meal is served. Messy Church is a really exciting way of being church together – do consider coming to see what we’re about! For future Messy Church dates please click here
Youth Club
Our Youth Club is for young people in Year 6 and older. We meet once a month for games, activities, food and fun. We aim to provide a safe space for our young people to grow and develop in their love and knowledge of each other and themselves.